Anwar Ibrahim confident he will emerge as Malaysia’s 10th prime minister despite close battle for GE15
November 10, 2022

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia: Hureen Zuhaira Binti Zulkiflee, Nurul Yasmin Binti Azizan, Siti Nur Balqis Binti Rose Helmi & Muhammad Amir Sharfan Bin Mohd Suhaimi
- Anwar Ibrahim has stated that he will be the one to announce the holiday after GE15.
- Anwar Ibrahim has joked that Dr Mahathir will be the first person who will be surprised when he emerges victorious.
- Anwar Ibrahim expects Pakatan Harapan to easily gain a majority and win GE15.
- Anwar Ibrahim is confident that he will emerge as prime minister despite having been an opposition leader for two decades.

This is part of a media monitoring project where our partner universities collate and compare different angles of GE15 coverage by various news organisations. This helps the public to better understand Malaysia's diverse media landscape. The objective is to strengthen public media literacy.